My name is
Elly and I was a street cat. Some lovely
furiends from Switzerland found me when they were on a neutering action (this
is when they do something inside you to make sure you won’t have any babies
that will land on the street like me). You have to know that an elderly lady called me
hers but she never let me in the house, I had to live outside all my life. This
was very hard. Living outside means be aware of all the danger and never know
of how much food you get. Many of my furiends were ill and had bad injuries and
some even died. Some I never saw again.
I was ill
too. I hardly was able to breathe because of the polyp in my throat. The lady
who was in charge of the neutering action saw me and she knew something was
wrong and that I needed help or I would not survive. I don’t want to go into
details, it’s embarrassing that they were able to catch me (they bait me with
food!) and then I suddenly woke up again feeling unwell, dizzy and very tired.
People were there and my tummy hurt. I heard someone say I will never be able
to have babies now. They also cut me a little peace off my ear. Apparently this
is a sign for animal furiends to recognise and they would not catch me again.
Well, anyway. The nice lady hold me often in her arms, she was very nice to me.
She said she will take care of my bad breathing and that she will find me a
forever home where I get lots of yummie food and love and will be pampered. She brought me to
a foster home where I stayed a few weeks. Then someone picked me up and drove
me Switzerland. I didn’t like the journey. It was very exhausting and I was
scared because I didn’t really know what would happen to me.
Switzerland I came to an animal hospital. They all were very nice to me. I am
not used to furiends making a fuss. It was kinda nice though.
I had the operation yesterday. Now my
throat is sore. They took the huge polyp out and it has to heal now. Someone said I lost a lot of blood and the operation was very difficult. Also they said that I probably would have died withing a couple of months if I did not have had the OPs. I know soon someone
called Ally will pick me up. She will be my new human furiend and she must be a
nice person, so I heard. She will take care of me and love me. I already love her. I hope she will
like me. I don’t wanna go back to the place I come from. I hope she will love me as much as she
loves the other cats that already live in her home.
I hope I
will have a very long and happy life with Ally <3
Can't wait until Caturday to meet her for the first time!
5 Kommentare:
Ally und Elly das cha ja nume es guetes Team si :) Verzerlsch mer de meh dervo hüt abe. Big Hug Ally and Elly
This story made me cry. Elly will be so well looked after and loved, I know she will have the best life with you.
Gina xx
Welcome in your new life Elly! Wish you and Ally all the best for your future together :D
Liebe Ally
So schön, dass du bzw. ihr wieder Blog-Aktiv sind, ich freu mi mega uf dini neue Gschichte vo dä Elly und au was du alles kreativs zeige wirsch!
So lieb hesch du d'Elly grettet, ich bin sicher, sie wird's wunderschön ha bi dir und das sichere dihei total schätze! Hüt hend mir au grad action gha mit üsem Büsi "Stärnli", sie het churz vor äm 6i no chli use wölle u isch denn nüme hei cho... (mir hend sie erscht sit 4 Wuche). D'Nochbore sind denn cho helfe suche und hend si i ihrer Garage under äme Gstell ufgspürt! Gott sei Dank, jetzt chönd mir ruhig schlofe...
Was lauft süsch äso bi dir? Und wo wohnsch denn jetzt?
Ganz viel liebi Grüessli,
hi Elly!
happy to meet you!
hope we will be furiends!
oh Im so sorry that you live your whole life out. :(
Thats very dangerous!
so sorry to hear sad story about your furiends an your sad story.
So happy that Ally give you home!
Im sure she will love you very much!
you are so cute kitty!
hugs, Ŧĭƙĭ
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